Saturday 31 August 2013

Carnival (lyrics/dalszöveg)

The carnival hall put on its dress
And now it looks so pretty
Tonight the men wear their skirts
While the women drink all the beer
This night the legs are loose
And the room is ready to spin
That pretty little church has turned its lights off
It's better if God goes to sleep
On the street there's a clown hanging on strings
And that's all about him
The magician has shuffled his cards but he lost his six of spades
Now the children are crying
As that shitty little trick got fucked up
But the carnival is at the gate
And it's ready to start
They step to the right they step to the left
Their drums go bang bang
The bells in church go jingle-jang
Tonight the saints are somewhere else
This could turn out catastrophic
As we might fall in love
Hey buddy my cup is empty
Come and stumble to the bar
A pint for me and a pint for my friend
And two shots of encouragement
The night is my brother in crime
Mr. Barman not that you would care
I'm here for a girl I'll have to ask her to come and dance with me
And if I make it through the night and I'm still alive I‘ll kiss her on the lips
Now the strings are broken the clown is flat out
The children are laughing at the dead man's yard
The band started to play
The room started to spin
I'm certain I will kiss her on the lips
There's a gypsy and his monkey entertaining the crowd
I've seen dancers and Hamlet himself in the carnival
It's a shame that Yorick cannot be here
Kings of jesters and all the clowns
Here is my heart my little darling
Keep it safe for the carnival
Thousand fairy light shinning our path
Put your hip into my hand and let's go to the carnival
Thousand fairy light shinning our path
Put your hip into my hand and let's go to the carnival
I fixed the strings the clown is dancing
I kissed her on this carnival
The room is spinning my cup is empty
I haven't slept since the carnival
This turned out catastrophic as we fell in love
Hey buddy come and hold me
And let's go back to the carnival
Hey buddy come and hold me
And let's go back to the carnival

Saturday 10 August 2013

Corners (lyrics/dalszöveg)

Come here and sit next to me and read me one of your bedtime stories
The one with you and me the one before you went and sailed the seven seas
It seems it was only yesterday we built entire worlds brick by brick
Now my brother goes to the North as I'm heading back to East

Tell me friend how long we have to walk
Tell me friend when can I take this heavy coat off
Tell me friend what's at the end of this road
Tell me how long I have to talk

On every corner there's a shopwindow reflects a face I don't know
On every corner there's a thick brick wall I cannot break through
On every corner there's windmill asking me to fight
On every corner there's a young face turns old

Tell me friend how long we have to walk
Tell me friend when can I take this heavy coat off
Tell me friend what's at the end of this road
Tell me how long I have to talk

Out of this storm we were born we have to raise our voices raise our voicesá
Against a new storm we go we have to raise our voices raise our voices
Hold my hand in this storm and raise your voice
Against a new storm we go we have to raise our voices raise our voices

Come here and sit next to me and read me one of your bedtime stories
Come here and just hold me dear

Wednesday 5 September 2012

Phantom fighter (lyrics/dalszöveg)

They light some candles
They play music on the stage
They entertain

I look at your smile and I smile
You laugh and I laugh
As they entertain us

And outside on the street
The winter left some of it's memories
Frozen rain

This cold wind sits on me now
Like a heavy coat I carry it around
As you disappear in this busy town

But I hold on
But I hold on

This little phantom fighter pushes me
But I was born with a heart of a sheep
This little phantom fighter pushes me
But I was born with a heart of a sheep

The actor plays in the candle light
Your smile dances with my laugh
The entertainer bows

You could be a lie I know
Just a trick of my mind
And nothing more

But I hold on
But I hold on

This little phantom fighter pushes me
But I was born with a heart of a sheep
This little phantom fighter pushes me
But I was born with a heart of a sheep

I've seen his shadow
Let him fade away
I've seen his shadow
Let him fade away

Friday 10 August 2012

St Vincent Road (lyrics/dalszöveg)

So many faces had faded away
Memories on the wall
All of them long gone
Regrets are following on the street
Unspoken words around
Autumn leaves

And here on St Vincent Road
Everything is so cold
Not like on Dominique's day
Out there far away

Everybody is calling your name
Blue sky turned to grey
I am so afraid
Will I see your face once again
This distance tries to break me down
But I am strong enough

And here on St Vincent Road
Everything is so cold
Not like on Dominique's day
Out there far away

Please remember me
Because I'll be there you'll see
Take you home just wait

And I know it's strange to you
It is to me too
How the world can change in a day or two
I'm struggling to find a name for this
I'm not sure if it's love or it is faith

And here on St Vincent Road
Everything is so cold
Not like on Dominique's day
Out there far away

Please remember me
Because I'll be there you'll see
Take you home just wait

And how can I be so sure
It's in your smile you know
I beaten the odds before
I fought the devil and I have won

So please remember me
Because I'll be there you'll see
Take you home just wait

Friday 7 October 2011


Mindig is pilóta akartam lenni.
Az egek uraként nézni
Ahogy elsuhan alattam az Eiffel torony.
Vagy vasutas!
Óriás vasszörnyemmel
Meghódítani a pompás csarnokokat,
Hogy győztesen gördülhessek be Paddingtonra.
Ha jönnek a Nagy Vizek?
Hajót adjatok és majd kapitányként ismertek.
Autót nem vezetek.
Szárnya sincs és kevés a kereke,
Piciny a kéménye és vitorlának sincs helye.
A világ meghódítására aligha alkalmas.

Friday 16 September 2011

Két hét

Könnyed tavaszi szellőként
Osontál életembe.
Hogy honnan jöttél, nem kérdem.
Elég, hogy ajkad ajkamra szállt
És forró csókod elkergette
A szürke, angol felhőket.
Talán angyal vagy.
Talán csak a nyárkirály kései tréfája.
Talán csak álmomban láttalak.
De édes álom volt.
Karjaimba zárhattalak
És nem kellett gondolnom
Se jövőre, se mára,
Csak ádáz harcunkra a pesti éjszakával.

Reggel ez a város üres lesz.
Majd bolyongok benne céltalan,
Ahogy papírhajók sodródnak a Dunán.
Kezemben kezed emlékével,
Lábamon táncaink pecsétjével,
Mosollyal arcomon.
Fél szemem az égen lesz
És nézem majd ahogy repülni tanulsz,
De csak miután ma este elloptad csókom ajkamról.
Utánam ne búslakodj,
Egy egész világ van mit meg kell hódítanod.

Tuesday 9 August 2011


Nyáresték múlnak
Egy szó nélkül.
Csak a szél bóklászik
Ajtók, ablakok rései közt.
Persze a Hold ott lógatja lábát
A szürke angol felhőkön,
De ő is csak némán mosolyog.

Néha a városban járok.
A városban zaj van.
Tenyerek csattannak,
Poharak csörrennek,
Kacajok szaladnak.
A lányok csinosak,
Hogy csak a mocskos szex jár az agyakban:
A gyűrött lepedő.
Egy formás test ahogy enyémhez simul,
És ahogy közel fülemhez
Valaki zihál,
Vagy hajamba túr
Amíg nyelvem vesztetten
Addig csábítom
Amíg egy halk sikollyal azt nem mondja:

De a nyáresték csak múlnak
Egy szó nélkül.